Why are there three different settings (focus, calm focus, performance) and what do they mean? What’s the difference among them, and how do you know on which setting to practice?

Why are there three different settings (focus, calm focus, performance) and what do they mean? What’s the difference among them, and how do you know on which setting to practice?

All of the Narbis training programs are based on the NASA “engagement index,” which was originally used to monitor the attention of pilots in the cockpit. 

Most people interested in practicing attention will use the focus program.

The Narbis focus program is identical to the NASA program called the Engagement IndexRead more about the NASA-Narbis history hereRead more about the differen brainpatterns that Narbis is measuring here.

With the focus program, the Narbis lenses will remain clear when more Beta (12Hz-20Hz) and less Alpha (8Hz-12Hz) and Theta (4Hz-8Hz) are detected by the sensors and the lenses will change tint when less Beta and more Alpha and Theta are detected. 

Other people looking to practice relaxation to reduce impulsivity or feelings of anxiousness, as well as practice attention, will use the calm focus program. With the calm focus program, the lenses will remain clear when more SMR (12Hz-15Hz) and less Alpha and Theta are detected and change tint when less SMR and more Alpha and Theta are detected. 

Lastly, those interested in honing their concentration edge — be it for sports, music, or work performance  —-  will use the peak performance program. With the peak performance program, the lenses will remain clear when more high-Beta (15Hz to 18Hz, related to performance) and less Alpha and Theta and change tint when less high-Beta and more Alpha and Theta are detected.